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Thursday, 3 March 2011

Friday, 25 February 2011, Day of Op

Well the morning finally arrived with a rude awakening (my friend forgot to set the alarm) the hotel room phones ringing, we had slept in!  We both jumped out of bed threw on clothes, I threw all my things I needed in my hospital bag and off we ran down stairs to the taxi.  Well this was just the beginning.  The taxi driver didn't know where the hospital was, just aswell I had the address with me so he could put it in his sat nav and even then he dropped us off at the wrong door.  Eventually after 10 mins and much panicking we found our way in.  Once inside you take a ticket from a machine just like you do at a deli counter in Britain and sit and wait your turn.  You then go and complete all the paperwork and sign your life away (not literally, hopefully).  I was then taken up to the ward for the real beginning of my journey.

I was in bed No1 in a three bed ward with 2 other lovely ladies both being operated on by Dr Chris.  Once changed into my lovely hospital gown (you know the ones that fasten at the back but actually don't so your bum hangs out for all to see) and even more attractive hospital surgical stockings I was ready for the fun to begin.

The next 3 hours waiting were punctuated with visits from Dr Chris (explaining everything that was about to happen) and nurses taking blood pressure, temperature, blood samples and putting in my IV, oh and taking off my nail varnish as I had forgoten to do it!

Without any notice at 11.40am two nurses came into our room said my name and told me it was my turn to head to theatre.  So I was wheeled along the corridor to wait in the pre-theatre area for my banding operation which was to be at midday.   Dr Chris came out to see me to make sure I was happy with everything and ready to proceed, eh yes totally, bring it on. 

So finally it has arrived midday Friday, 25 February 2011 the start of my new banded life.

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