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Monday, 7 March 2011

The last week post banding surgery.

Wow can't believe it was all a week ago, how time flies (when you're having fun?)!

Well to fill in from last post woke up after operation in the recovery ward quite sore, very dazed from the painkilling injections, with oxygen tubes up both nostrils but feeling happy and relieved I was still alive (always that slight niggle in the back of your mind, anaesthetic + obese person = not too good).  Stayed in recovery for quite a while I think, although I just dosed in and out of sleep.  I was eventually wheeled back up to the ward around 4pm.  I then had constant checks done every few hours, temperature, blood pressure, wound checks, did I need the toilet?, did I need more painkillers? and this continued all night.  Must admit it was quite uncomfortable during in the night, although the great thing about the hospital beds in Brussels is that you can adjust them at the touch of a button (just like the ones you see on TV where you can raise the head or foot area either seperatly or at the same time) which made things more bareable.

In the morning got up to get washed and changed which did leave me feeling slightly light headed so quickly took to my bed again for another rest until it was my turn to go down for my x-ray to make sure the band was working as it should be.  Dr Chris then came to see me to explain that the operation had gone successfully, that my x-ray was fine and that I could have a light lunch before checking out of the hospital at 1.30pm.

So there we have it.  I had my stitches taken out today, 10 days post surgery and am going back to work tomorrow.  I am still on a liquid diet but when I weighed myself this morning I am 19lbs lighter than what I was when I started the low fat diet 3 weeks ago, yippee.  So far so good and long may it continue. 

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