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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Thursday 24 Feb, day before op.

Travelled to Vilvoorde in Brussels and checked into the Camponile Hotel.  Did a few touristy things before being back at my hotel for my consultation at 7.30pm.  Met Chris who is Dr De Bruynes clinical manager, a delightful gentleman, who gave me all the information I needed answered all my questions and completely put my mind at rest.  Parted with my money to pay for the operation (had been carrying 4000 Euros with me all day) so that was a relief being able to relinquish the tight grip I had on my bag all day!  Chris's parting shot before he left at 8pm was go and eat whatever you like tonight, well up until the fasting begins at midnight anyway!!  Oh my goodness how excited was I, it was indeed my last supper.  Now Vilvoorde is a lovely little town (infact I mean tiny) and there is not much there so to anyone else having surgery here take heed, get on a train to Brussels for your last pig out.  My friend and I walked round the whole town looking for somewhere to sit and eat, this consisted of 1 Chinese, 1 Thai, 1 Greek.  I love greek food but my friend doesn't so even though it was my last meal we ended up in the Chinese which was ok at best but didn't do any puddings, so my last meal was soup and salmon with rice, boring.  Made up for it slightly by having a couple of baileys at the hotel before off to bed at midnight ready for my early start in the morning, to be at hospital by 7am!!

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